Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Is this an entry?!

I start my new job on April 1! It is the position that I have hoped for in the last several years. I will be a Branch Manager for several offices of a local Title Company. I am very excited and feel a bit ready for the challenge. The last couple of months off have really helped me and I think I am moving towards who I need to be, or who I think I need to be.

Time to catch up with some of those who have taken the time to be my online friends. See you soon!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Taking time off and doing almost nothing has been good for my soul. I really have not accomplished much but I feel so much more free than I have in years. I still have the same worries and fears but it is different now.

I am set to get a written job offer from a title company. This is the position that I have wanted for a long time coming. It took me walking away from a previous law firm 2 years ago and doing a job I abhored to come to the realization that 1. I actually liked and 2. was good at being a Real Estate Title Agent. I am so very excited about this opportunity and can finally get away from a law firm atmosphere. Moving on is great and this job is going to present a challenge, a challenge for me to actually be happy and to be helpful to others.

Not all attorneys and others that I have worked with in the past are horrible. It is just such a different environment and just breds discontent and bad feelings. Your employers and co-workers can have a tendency to forget about the real world and those around them. I may be jaded when it comes to this attitude, but so be it.

My blogging has been seriously lacking, I apologize for that. I really need to catch up on everyone. But at the same time, being free from internet life has been a relief as well. The kids have loved having their mommy more often and its been fun to help out at school. I can't say the house is spotless but my brain is all the better for this time.

*smooches* to those that want'em!!!