Monday, April 25, 2005

First post here

I have an LJ and like that pretty well. I have decided to separate this journal from LJ as that is about my HP friends and my silly little obessesion with reading fanfiction and keeping up with those stories as well as Harry Potter. *laughs at self*

E-blog seems interesting but I am not sure how often I will keep up with this journal or how serious I will post. I pretty much feel invisible most of the time now and just hope that getting my feelings out in writing will help whatever it is that is seriously inhibiting me in real life.

I have opinions at work. Good, rational, logical and professional opinions on how to make our jobs easier and more efficient. I also know what I am talking about when it comes to certain aspects of my job, however, I am treated as though I know nothing about what a Real Estate Paralegal should be doing. I am not sure what it is in my personality that people do not take seriously. It is very confusing for me at the moment and I think I am coming to this realization, although it has been in the back of my mind for some time.

I have opinions in my personal life. My husband does not take me seriously anymore. It can be large decisions or it can be small ones like, why did you change toliet paper brands! Most of my desires and opinions that are expressed are being met with an interrogation and turns into a quibble. This continued questioning about all my decisions is leaving me feeling inadequate. Mix that with how I am being treated in my work environment and that leaves a girl feeling very insecure.


Supes said...

There's nothing wrong with being obsessed with Harry Potter, ok? My therapist told me it was fine.

jenbeauty said...

Thanks Chris that is good to know!!

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