Monday, June 27, 2005

4th of July

I will be in the Washington D.C. area this weekend celebrating the birthday of this great nation.

It is really just another chance to see some family and set the mouse family traveling again. We will be visiting Mt. Vernon and Old Georgetown like the good tourists we are. No stoopid plans for this trip, only family, food and fun.

What are your plans for the 4th?


Trevor Record said...

Working, but this Canada day (the 1st) perhaps I will go on a trip. Who knows.

Jim said...

Some true blue Amer-kun drinkin' with family.

Drive safe, K?

Beth said...

I'm leaving for Maine on the 3rd for a week. I'll be camping, hanging out at the ocean, walking about, and trying to relax.

DC is so gorgeous, but too cramped for my liking. Still, if I had to live in a big city, that'd be in the top 5. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

First time here. I just signed for part-time mall work for the 4th. I work this job in the eves. We had so much going on lately. My husband thinks it's cool if we just relax--no big family plans. So, I'll work time-and-a-half. He'll stay home with the kiddies. Since the mall will close early, it won't be so bad.

As for you, that is so great. I love DC. My best friend lives there. I love visiting.

Last year, my husband and I took the babies to Plymouth, MA. That was really great. It was literally the first time in years that I had seen fireworks. I pretty much steer clear of that traffic if I can. I will definitely do Plymouth again. Plymouth Rock and the neighborhood--such a quaint little place.

Have fun in DC. Will check back with you in the future.

jenbeauty said...

Thanks so much to all of you for stopping by. I like getting these replies and I like making new friends.

DC is really a chance to see my Grandma and cousin. Not sure when I will be able to do that again. DC will be fun but we are trying to stay away from the "hot" spots.

Everyone drive save and have a good time!

Happy Canada Day Trevor! Is that correct??? lol

Risu said...

Many of our 'Canada Day' fireworks are set aside in order to continue celebrations on the fourth. I like celebrating 'Canada Day' AND 'Independence Day'. Trust me, it's more fulfilling.

Thanks for visiting my site :)

Scott said...

Heading out to see my dysfunctional family, in none other but the great state of Ohio, where it all began. Take care and thanks for stopping by.

jenbeauty said...

Your welcome Scott! Where in Ohio are you traveling to? Big State but loads of fun!

Kimmah said...

I'm packing. And packing some more. And? doing a little more packing. I just went to Wal Mart for what better be the last time.

Hope you have a good trip. Sounds like the perfect place to be on the 4th.


Lucy Stern said...

We went to a Fourth of July concert at an open are pavilion, early morning church breakfast, and family and friends came over for fun and lots of food. It was a great weekend to reflect on the freedoms we have in this great country. Hope you had fun.

Scott said...

Jen, sorry, I just got back today. I have family in Kent, and I grew up in Akron. I noticed that you were from Ohio too. I lived in San Francisco for 12 years, and I every time I had an intense or open converstation with a stranger, it was with a person from Ohio. No joke. Ok, this happened twice, but go figure. We're just layed back and easy to talk to!

I checked out Amish country, near Berlin. Sunday though, and everything was closed.

Started out a little bumpy though...

Joe said...

I think I did what most people in NY do, went to cookouts, drank beer, and watched fireworks.