Monday, August 08, 2005

Party like rock stars

I am very tired today but all in all it was a really fun weekend. My SIL and her family came into town Friday night at about 8:00 p.m. We had also invited SIL's in-laws who arrived at 9:00 p.m.

I will refer to my SIL's in-laws as the "rock stars". SIL's father-in-law used to own a bar. He and his wife had five (5) children. All of which have sampled the beer life. They are true connoisseurs, all seven. Not only were we invaded by our own family, we were invaded by BIL's family along with spouses or spouses to be. Hubby and I had 2 cases of beer already but as the Rock Stars walked in they also carried several cases of beer. I was thinking we should have bought a keg or at least raided our neighbors.

The din of conversation in my home was at an all time high and we had gotten out the bean bag game, or as some call it "corn hole", and were playing that on my deck as well as numerous Texas Hold'em games in the kitchen. I was having such a good time Ms. Grumpy Pants did not make an appearence once! Although I earned a new nickname of "gravy" which story I will reserve for another time. At some point "bad influence neighbor" (please see other vacation posts) let her dog out at about 2:30 a.m., and informed us on Saturday morning that we were partying like "Rock Stars" and why were they not invited to the Mouse house??!! I think she was a bit shocked that we were actually having a party!

After all was said and done (and children slept soundlessly through all) the rock stars left my house at 4:00 a.m. I was still in my jammies at 12:00 noon the next day when my adorable nephew asked "Aunt Jen are you EVEN going to get dressed today?" So with an outburst of laughter from all children and adults I said ok ok and went to get a shower. I don't think I can be a rock star anymore.

Saturday afternoon was the day of the wedding. Hubby and I babysat for SIL's three (3) children and had a really great day. I will leave the story at this point and just state for the record that the rock stars and my SIL did not get done partying until 4:00 a.m. again! I was just praying, as I went to bed Saturday night at 10:00 p.m., that the rock stars did not make an appearance at my home for the after hours.

P.S. Please note that there was a designated driver for each night. We are not without morals or common sense! Also, the beer drinking did not commence until all children were quietly tucked away to bed. This is my public disclaimer!!! lol


Anonymous said...

This post made me think of this: Party Like A Rockstar...

One can and you'll agree!

Jason said...

This sounds like my in-laws. They're Dutch and like to party, party, party, whether kids are around or not. I used to think it was pretty cool, now it usually just wears me out. ;-)

Melody said...

Sounds like loads of fun.

Bravie said...

Woo Hoo. I love to party like a rockstar.

Trevor Record said...

Waited until the kids were in bed? My parents didn't ever bother waiting until me and my brother were in bed. You're saints!

Beth said...

Debauchery and designated drivers. The three D's. You can't beat 'em. =)

Scott said...

We all need to cut loose once in a while, and of course you were responsible for your kids! Who would think otherwise?

MJ said...

Good to know that parents can still party ;-)

momma said...

*patiently waiting to hear story about Gravy nickname*

Foxy said...

oh man, i sooo miss partying like a rockstar! the last time i did i couldn't get out of bed till about noon either and did not want to do ANYTHING all day long- how does keith richards do it? lol

jenbeauty said...

Yeah I can only party like a Rock Star MAYBE once a month.

Thanks to all you newer folks for stopping by my blog. I love meeting new people and reading about their lives.

Some day soon carey we will be doing shots of something together!! lol

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