Thursday, September 01, 2005

Heart Attack

My mom had a heart attack on Monday. She is doing well and is now resting comfortably at home. She is one of the luckiest woman I know. She had one blocked artery and had a heart cath and stint put in. There is no damage to her heart muscle or other arteries. Needless to say this has been a stressful week and I need some rest myself.

I am back at work and will be glad to read some of my favorite blogs. My friends here are extremely entertaining and continue to lift my spirits when I feel down. If I don't say it enough thank you all for sharing so much of yourself.

P.S. My mom and I have a quirky sense of humor when it comes to stressful situations. So Monday night while I was on the phone with my mom and the squad was just arriving she said "Don't kill yourself to get down here Mario!" Only my mom would remind me about that, and it was such a huge coincidence that I had written out the Mario story here that I had the chance to laugh at a moment when I was very frightened.


Scott said...

I'm glad your mom pulled through this ok, I know it can be very hard, even if things turn out all right, you are faced with the scary mortality of your parents. She sounds like a great lady.

Schnookie said...

So glad to hear your mom is doing better Jen! She sounds like an awesome woman ... you take after her!! *HUGS*

momma said...

Scary!! Glad she is doing well now. *hugs*

bricotrout said...

all the best to her. having read your previous post i have one concern: YOU are not the one driving her back from the hospital i hope? ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad your Mom is gonna be okay. I'll lift her and you up in prayer.


Glowie said...

I'm so glad she's doing better now, Jen. *hug*

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear she's doing okay, and it's good to know you have someone who can make you laugh even in such a serious situation.

Take care,

The Duke said...

Wow, I am glad to hear that you mom is doing well! That's gotta be stressful!

I had an uncle that was dying of cancer, but the whole time he was amazingly funny about it. It's like you could not be depressed about it because he found so much humour in death. It's an odd thing!

HistoryDetective said...

I hope that Mario's mom is doing well and gets to returnn home soon.

Bravie said...

Well now I'm glad I didn't get all shitty about you not updating your blog. I guess this is an okay excuse.

*smooch* glad your Mom is doing okay.

Jason said...

My thoughts are with you and your mom, Jen.

arkie said...

I'm glad your mom is doing better.

Beth said...

I'm so glad your mother is all right. Modern medicine is amazing. Heart attack means "do over" instead of "done for" nowadays.

My dad's still living after her second, which was 4 years ago!

Anonymous said...

My Goodness! I hope that your mom continues to recover nicely. Talk to you later. And, get rest when you can.

Alice said...

Glad your mom is better.

*hugs and smoochies*

Breezy said...

*big hug* Glad you Mom is doing OK. Scary stuff isn't?

The Zombieslayer said...

"Don't kill yourself to get down here Mario!"

That's too funny. Your Mom seems cool.

Joe said...

Hey Jen.

I'm truly sorry to hear about your mother's heart problem, but I'm glad to hear that she's okay - and that you are as well.


crallspace said...

My sympathies... from the Pacific Northwest.

Silvergirl said...

Jen, I'm glad your mother is home and the heart is still ticking.


That dude Paul said...

Hope your mom is recovering nicely Jen. Godd wishes going out to her and you...

Bill said...

Glad to hear Mom is ok Jen... what a scare!

I'll keep her in my prayers for a full recovery!

Trevor Record said...

Wow, that is so scary! At least she remains in good humor, eh?

Jim said...

Oh, I do love your Mom! What a trooper. It reminds me of my Gramma, a very hearty woman who never wanted a fuss over her, but Feisty with a capital 'F'!

So glad things worked out for the better, but scary nonetheless. All the best to you during her recovery.

Jim said...
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jenbeauty said...

THANK YOU ALL! My mom is doing well...we just come home from her place this weekend. She had a great time with the kids and is recovering well.

Raemius said...

Good to hear she is recovering, get her to take it easy for a while.

A. Darcy said...

We all have a quirky sence of humor around here, glad everyone is ok. :)

yvonne said...

So glad your Mom is okay, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Humour is important when tension and fear catch your breath. I pray that your Mother recovers, well enough for you take spoil her to some of her favorite things, or make a new tradition together.

MiLouBry said...

Hi Jen,

It's MikkiD (Carey's friend). Just checking in on other blogs, hope you don't mind my intrusion.

Sorry to hear about your mom. My partner's mom had a heart attack a few weeks ago as well and the same thing with her. One clogged artery (over 90%) and they put a stint in. She's doing fantastic! But it was a lot of stress too. I just saw her this past weekend and she's looking and feeling great. Here's hoping for an excellent recovery for your mom as well!


jenbeauty said...

Aw thanks Mikki! You are not intruding at all. Any friend of carey's is a friend of mine!

I really appreciate everyone's support.

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