Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tagged by GK

7 things I plan to do before I die:

-See my children into adulthood (that being careers, signficant others, grandchildren, good/happy lives)
-Travel to Hungary and make contact with any realtives still alive
-Travel to Hawaii for a 2nd honeymoon
-Learn to play an instrument
- play golf
-drive a race car
-beat my husband at Stratego

7 things I can do:

-speed read
-talk like an acutioneer
-cook like my grandmothers
-make my children feel love
-catch a 90 mile per hour pitched baseball
-multi task
-day dream

7 things I cannot do:

-stand on my head
-play piano
-eat tomatos
-watch horros movies

7 things that attract me to another person:

-beautiful eyes
-good sense of humor
-kissable lips
-ability to listen
-ability to have empathy and understanding
-love of children

7 things I say most often:

-good gravy
-I am going to count to 5!
-oh please
-woo hoo
-how are you and mean it
-shit (I know but 7 is a hard number)

7 celebrity crushes:

-Billy Joe Armstrong
-Johnny Resnick
-Will Smith
-Jon Bon Jovi
-David Cassidy
-Vince Vaughn
-Scott Baio

I would do the tag thing but it appears almost everyone else has performed this little task, however, EmRugBurn does not get off the hook so easy...update girl!


Bravie said...

Hmmm, I haven't seen this one.
Shit is a good word, I would replace mine with the word fuck. *giggle*

The Zombieslayer said...

Okay, a Stratego tip, if you want to win a game. Watch his eyes closely as you initially start. He will do a quick check of his defense, making sure his flag is secure. I've learned that almost everyone does that.

Then go all out in that direction. A lot of your people will die. it's okay. Keep doing it and eventually someone will take his flag. Don't be stupid about it like send them all off to get slaughtered, but overwhelm that area until he makes one mistake that will cost him the game.

jenbeauty said...

*giggles* at Zombie...thank you for the tip!! I think I have only beaten him once in 15 years!

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay - I will! Promise! In fact, I am going to STEAL your 7 things... thingy. THAT will be my next post!

~ EmRB

Scott said...

Jen - Sorry, I would have tagged you and knitter had I known you haven't been yet. For some reason I thought you had been already. Now I feel bad. You are my most avid reader!

jenbeauty said...

aww Scott...hun don't worry...I try to avoid these things...I never know what to write!

Thanks though for the thought.

Beth said...

Vince Vaughn, how cool is that? I love your mixed up crushes.

Lucas said...

So, I guess this comment is #8, but it made me smile after getting to the bottom of the list and seeing there were "7 Comments"