Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Goodness how time flies by!! I am alive and doing okay. I have been so busy with the kids activities this school year and work that I have barely made time for anything else.

I am so very proud of both children. Daughter is in the Chose to Lead program and has her first after school meeting today. Two fifth graders from each class get chosen and help with all the school functions and fund raisers with the teachers and other staff. She is also in the Student Partners Program which buddies up a fifth grader with a special needs student. Daughter had to fill out an application, have her parents write a recomendation, her teacher write a recomendation and she had to write up a semi-resume as well. I am so glad she was chosen for this. Daughter has also been playing Volleyball and started band playing the alto sax! See so busy my head spins as I type this.

Dear son...he is doing great in kindergarten and is really loving schoool. He has been playing flag football and can't wait to start swimming lessons and baseball camp this winter. He loves being around his sister but is making lots of his own friends. Its amazing to witness the changes in him.

As for me....the kids are keeping me busy so that is enough for the moment. I am still a confused lady but trying to be happier in general and not look at the past if I can help it. I can't change the past only look at today and tomorrow. I am going to try and make some rounds here today...catch up with my internet friends...you are the ones that always seem to give me the brighter lift!


arkie said...

Wow! How very cool for your daughter! Both of those programs sound amazing. That's great that your son loves school. Hopefully, he will retain that as he grows.

*hugs* to you

Anonymous said...

I love volleyball! The sax is cool too.

Hope your son likes flag football. Got my son in it and he's half-indifferent. :(

Puffy said...

Glad to see a post from you! Your kids being involved will be great for them during the middle school and high school years, too. Keeps 'em out of trouble.

kim (weltek) said...

The kids sound great! Obviously you've been doing some great parenting.

Busy can be good...glad you are staying happy and healthy!

Beth said...

Haven't seen you around in a bit and am not sure you're blogging so was going to remove you from my blogroll until you had time and the desire to do this. I only blog once a week, so I get it. Let me know and if not, I hope you are well.

Scott said...

Hi Jen. Been a long time, huh? I hope you are doing well. My wife got some advice from someone else that I've been giving her for a while, but it finally meant something or it finally sunk in. Live in the now, not in the past, not for the future, but in the right now. Things won't be better later, but if you look at what you have now (and you are doing that in this post) you will see that life is great and wonderful the way it is. You are a lovely woman with a lovely family.

Unknown said...

hello, are you still around?? duane(CFB)