Monday, October 10, 2005

Things you learn on the Bus

Thanks to Master for the reminder of how much sex education can be learned on a school bus.

Thursday night while out to dinner with hubby and our two children, my little princess says to me "guess what a 5th grader did on the bus today?" I knew it was bound to happen and quickly looked at my husband who had my father's "oh boy" look on his face.

I smiled, really wanted to laugh, and asked her what she saw. "Eric kissed Ashley in the very back seat!" Well this news sent my little princess and the little prince (who is all of four) into giggles. My husband is "what, what are they doing on that bus!" I thought the whole thing was priceless and went into a discussion about where did Eric kiss Ashley and was informed on her cheek. I kept the whole conversation very light hearted, but my husband, he will be having heart failure when our daughter hits 13!


Anonymous said...
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BlindSlim~CSTL said...

There was a whole lot more than kissing going on in the back of our bus. Of course that was junior high. In grade school, it was still the whole kick or punch the girl you like thing.

Cute story. I think we're still waiting for a final installment of the 1st kiss though.


jenbeauty said...

hiya Slime!! I know...I just need to get the right words down on the page. I like to make things funny and I really need to get that across as well as how I felt about the moment. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Bravie said...

This is just one reason that I am glad I don't have kids. I would be the most overprotective parent on the earth.

jenbeauty said...

momyblogr start making them and we can sell them on blogger!! lol

The Duke said...

Ha ha ha! That is a funny and cute story!

I can sympathize with your husband though, I am have a heard time not clocking my sisters boyfriends! Ha ha ha!

Mike Todd said...

Dude, I never got any action on the bus. I totally missed out.

Joe said...

Too funny. I should have spend more time sitting in the back of the bus.

CozyMama said...

OH WOW, I remember the stuff we used to do on the bus, in the back seat no less!!!! Dang!!

Breezy said...

Ack! *thud* nononononono first a bra and now I have to worry about what's happening on the bus.

I need a drink.

Scott said...

If I ever have a little girl, watch out boys! I will be Uncle Buck times four.

Foxy said...

oh man, i don't even want to think about it- 3 girls!!!

Chloe said...

Aww, too cute! I always walked to school :(

The Zombieslayer said...

I called some guy a f****r in 2nd grade and my Dad made me read a sex education book so I learned what that meant. Kind of sucked. I was way ahead of everyone else and felt out of place that way.

Beth said...

I am amazed with how much my children hear in school. I started sex ed very young because of it. TV is not helping. Just changing the channels, you get a glimpse of boobs, make out sessions, tramps, sex, and the like. I miss the chaste days of my youth. Hahaha!

gothmog said...

Well, duh. You do know that "to buss" means to kiss, don'tcha?


mm said...

This makes me so happy I live close enough to the school that mine don't need to ride the bus. I have heard these stories before. Just wait till she's riding the high school bus.

Risu said...

That's so cute. Very Reader's-Digest-lighthearted. I remember far more sinisterly impure things the grade fivers performed in front of impressionable young children. Scar-inducing.

Trevor Record said...

I remember there was a girl who would come over to my house and would always want to play "doctor" when I was very young. I'm tellin' ya, it's the girls you have to be careful with at that age!

Anonymous said...

In second grade I kissed a boy on the cheek in the tunnel on the playground.

Anonymous said...

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