Thursday, April 28, 2005


My livejournal has been hacked!! I have been trying to get into to stop whatever is going on plus to change my password. *sighs* this totally sucks...things are being written and oh man. So much for sharing your life in a journal on the internet.

Totally bummed and has ruined my day!

EDITED to add: I was able to get into my account, change the password and e-mail addy. I lost quite a bit of information so I will have to re-build some stuff. I am reading up on LJs abuse policy but not sure if they can really do anything. Such a bummer...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I am here to pimp a little Harry Potter community we developed on LJ. Kudos to cheeringcharm for coming up with the idea!


This community is about reading all the books prior to the release of the new Half Blood Prince, which is due in stores on Saturday, July 16, 2005. The reading marathon started on March 1, however, there is plenty of time to catch up or just join in on the dicussions. We will be reading Chapter 38 of Order of the Phoenix on July 10. There are moderators (yours truly is one) that post a summary of each chapter every day and then the members may post a comment regarding that chapter.

I am such a sucker for spoilers and the idea of dissecting each book holds such appeal for me! Imagine that a Survivor fan wanting to spoil something other than Survivor!!

I am enjoying the community and am reading the series to my daughter as we go. This has not left me much time to veer off to read other books but I am truly looking to expand my horizons.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Coaching 8 year olds

Last night was my first coaching deal with DD's softball team! Talk about being nervous...the girls were good, it was the parents I was worried about!

I was very organized and had a folder with all the schedules, picture dates, party dates and end of the season information highlighted. Thank goodness my assistant coach is a school teacher and could remember every girl's name within 20 minutes of practice. Me, I kept whispering to DD "who is she again!"

I have played sports all my life and have been coached. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that coaching would be this nerve racking and difficult. I need a good game plan and need to work on the having fun part of the game. Hubby helped a bit last night but it was difficult as our dear son ( almost 4) wanted to play too. We will be getting a babysitter for these practices so hubby and I can concentrate on the girls. I have loads to work on before next week and really want to be a good influence for these 10 girls!

Hubby, well the wiener had to laugh at my efforts at being organized and worried about the parent's reactions to me. I was feeling insecure enough yesterday without that being added to the mix. I let him know he hurt my feelings, he said I needed to lighten up that he was joking. I am not sure he is listening, feelings really were hurt.

Still feeling sensitive today but I am working on that. I really need to get some work done while at work, be the professional I know I am. *continues to laugh at self*

Monday, April 25, 2005

First post here

I have an LJ and like that pretty well. I have decided to separate this journal from LJ as that is about my HP friends and my silly little obessesion with reading fanfiction and keeping up with those stories as well as Harry Potter. *laughs at self*

E-blog seems interesting but I am not sure how often I will keep up with this journal or how serious I will post. I pretty much feel invisible most of the time now and just hope that getting my feelings out in writing will help whatever it is that is seriously inhibiting me in real life.

I have opinions at work. Good, rational, logical and professional opinions on how to make our jobs easier and more efficient. I also know what I am talking about when it comes to certain aspects of my job, however, I am treated as though I know nothing about what a Real Estate Paralegal should be doing. I am not sure what it is in my personality that people do not take seriously. It is very confusing for me at the moment and I think I am coming to this realization, although it has been in the back of my mind for some time.

I have opinions in my personal life. My husband does not take me seriously anymore. It can be large decisions or it can be small ones like, why did you change toliet paper brands! Most of my desires and opinions that are expressed are being met with an interrogation and turns into a quibble. This continued questioning about all my decisions is leaving me feeling inadequate. Mix that with how I am being treated in my work environment and that leaves a girl feeling very insecure.