Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Coaching 8 year olds

Last night was my first coaching deal with DD's softball team! Talk about being nervous...the girls were good, it was the parents I was worried about!

I was very organized and had a folder with all the schedules, picture dates, party dates and end of the season information highlighted. Thank goodness my assistant coach is a school teacher and could remember every girl's name within 20 minutes of practice. Me, I kept whispering to DD "who is she again!"

I have played sports all my life and have been coached. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that coaching would be this nerve racking and difficult. I need a good game plan and need to work on the having fun part of the game. Hubby helped a bit last night but it was difficult as our dear son ( almost 4) wanted to play too. We will be getting a babysitter for these practices so hubby and I can concentrate on the girls. I have loads to work on before next week and really want to be a good influence for these 10 girls!

Hubby, well the wiener had to laugh at my efforts at being organized and worried about the parent's reactions to me. I was feeling insecure enough yesterday without that being added to the mix. I let him know he hurt my feelings, he said I needed to lighten up that he was joking. I am not sure he is listening, feelings really were hurt.

Still feeling sensitive today but I am working on that. I really need to get some work done while at work, be the professional I know I am. *continues to laugh at self*

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