Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Vacation and other things

We leave for Florida in less than two weeks! I am very excited as we have not had a full blown vacation since Disney in November 2003. Oh heck that is not true we did go to Vegas, but that was not restfull lol! Last year was hell as I had two surgeries and started a new job. While we take little breaks, usually to drive to relatives for various occasions, this is a much needed break to the beach with the in-laws.

The in-laws!!! you say! Mine are actually pretty good. I enjoy my hubby's two sisters and their husbands very much. We all get along and hubby's family is pretty laid back. It is my mom that makes me insane and yes she is going along on this trip as well! We had this same set up in the summer of 2003 in the Outer Banks and surprisingly it was great, really great. The kids had the time of their lives, my MIL and mom got along great, shopped and helped take care of their mutual grandchildren. My FIL always does his own thing and makes a mean barbecue chicken. So yes, I am excited to go on vacation that I know will be lots of fun!

On to the other things. I told hubby about this on-line blog thing and meeting peeps from another site. Needless to say he is a bit leery and wondering what the hell has gotten into me! He has been wondering why I have been spending so much time on the net and computer and I explained that it is a bit of an escape and has helped me get some much needed things off my chest. Hubby thinks I am too friendly and that this could possibly be dangerous. So now I have started thinking about if I want to continue blogging/LJ. I really like being able to write out my feelings and share various things. The only feature here that I don't like is that you can't hide some things or only allow certain "friends" to be able to view. That is what I like about the LJ community. I have agreed to take down pics of him and I that I have here. I don't think I am that interesting enough for someone to really care about what I write other than some friends on the net. But I don't want my hubby to feel insecure or worried about this. So I may take a break depending on how chatty I feel.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Poker anyone??

Hubby called and let me know that after softball he is playing poker tonight. Good for him I say as we all need time apart from family life every now and again! See I can be a good wifey!

So after the kiddies are tucked away I will probably try my hand once again in the internet poker world. I backed away for a time as I got bored rather quickly and much prefer a live game. Once in a while I can catch my BILs (brother-in-laws) at Ultimate Bet and get in a game that is fun. I like the money tables much better than the free chippy ones. The free games tend to bring the "all in on first hand type" and that drives me batty!

Ah Friday night, alone with the computer, a beer and a poker game...life could be a bit better than that!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


We had our first offical softball game last night! I was so excited and it was loads of fun! I am very proud of our girls and they played so well. I am truly surprised at how much knowledge they gained and how they have improved. I am also surprised at how many of the girls want to actually play catcher and wear all that equipment! It warms my heart, I have such a soft spot for that position.

We had buckets full of bubble gum, girls singing about not playing with Barbie Dolls and wonderful parents who were supportive, encouraging and helpful to this very insecure coach!

The best moments for me are when the girls called me Coach Jennifer and thanked me after the game, I almost cried. I cannot tell you how much better I am today for those little girls last night. I still have a lot to learn but those girls really made coaching worth it. And my daughter, she is an ace..."Mommy, I love softball, I cannot wait for our next game!" I could not stop smiling!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Eisenhower and the wisdom of my Granny's generation

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are [a] few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

- President Dwight D. Eisenhower -

Made me think after a bit of a political discussion with my mother and my aunt.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Could I be more insecure? (in my best Chandler voice)

So we had practice for daughter's softball team last night. I am not sure what makes me so insecure about being the head coach but I get all nervous around these little girls with the parents watching. Ah that is the crux of the situation, the parents are watching. I have not had any problems with the parents and the girls are so sweet and are really excited about playing! So why am I insecure...what makes me feel like I am going to fail at one of my better talents...Playing softball? This, I need to ponder and get over!

I need to learn to take a compliment and let the insecurity go. My assistant coach is a wonderful lady who I will call Sue. She has two lovely little girls on the team. Sue is a school teacher and has never played sports before. But she is ready, willing and able to help with this softball team. You have to appreciate any parent that wants to devote their time to 10 active and talkative girls!! Sue gave me a great compliment last night. She said that I was a natural with these girls and I am very caring and sensitive to what each girl needs. I was stunned at first and a bit speechless unitl I realized that I needed to say thank you!

Sue's few comments about how I work with the girls really made me take a look at myself. My insecurity is at an all time high even though I had a good review at work last week, hubby is devoting more time to us and now I get a compliment about how well I am working with this softball team. I need to step away from me and concentrate on what will make others around me feel better or more comfortable with themselves. I need to get some perspective on what is making me feel alone and insecure when clearly there is no need to feel those things.

I love softball and want the experience for my daughter and the rest of the girls to be a good one. I need to check my insecurities at the gate and have fun!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

My week

I had been stressed and not sleeping all week.

I had my review for my job on Wednesday. I was pleasantly surprised. I got a GOOD rating out of either Excellant, Good, Satisfactory, Below Average, Poor. Not sure if anyone can ever achieve an excellant but I have decided that if I want to stay with this firm I want to make that my goal for this next year. I got a raise and lots of kudos for doing a job that is difficult and work under someone who is "anal retentive" and that is a quote from our Department Head. lol

I had to get new migraine medication on Thursday. I have been stressing out over my marriage, work, kids, you know the usual life stuff. It seems that my migraines pop up at this time of year for some reason. Not sure what it is about the month of May but this is when my migraines are the worst.

Thursday night dear prince starting puking at about 10:00 p.m. He did not stop until 8:00 a.m. yesterday. Ugh, no sleep for me for most of this week. I stayed home on Friday and dear prince is feeling much better today. He has been able to keep down foods and is currently outside with Princess and their neighborhood friends.

Not doing much today, although I should be cleaning. Still too tired though and wanted a few minutes to do something for me. Why is that so hard for us moms sometimes? If I am not up doing something every 10 minutes I feel guilty or like something is missing. Maybe this is the cause of the migraines (insert sarcastic voice here).

My dad is going to babysit for hubby and I tonight. I think I would like to go to dinner out at Easton and see a movie. We never go to Easton and there are so many places to have a great dinner. I am in the mood for Mexican. I keep hoping time for just Chris and I will help get us back on track. Communications is the key but so is trying to communicate. Some days we want to be together that way and others it seems that neither one of us cares. Well at least we are trying.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mom's Day

My Mother's Day:

1. My daughter signing I love you Mommy and then signing Happy Mother's Day; and
2. My son kissing me on the check and holding on for dear life "you are the bestest mommy ever!"

No need for jewelry, hats, socks, t-shirts, appliances or cards. I will remember those two sentiments forever!! My children are my best accomplishments and I would not trade being a mommy for anything else in the world!

As for my Mom, well her and I have always had an estranged type of relationship. However, once I got married and gave birth to my first child everything in our relationship changed. Not sure what happened to my Mom but her demeanor about life did a 180. My Mom was not the best at being a mom and was not an emotional giver. But she did instill quite a bit of values and truth into my soul so I thank her for that. I also thank her for the amount of love and affection she shows my husband and children. They deserve the best and she does provide that for them which watching is a bit surreal for me. So I made sure to hug my mom yesterday and tell her that I love her. After all without my Mom I would not have this life I live nor the children that have made things so very worthwhile.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Christmas party Posted by Hello

Template and figuring out Blog

I have been trying to change my links -----> and am failing miserably. I have read the short cuts and have tried several times to insert the proper urls for what I want linked. Not working!! Tried the picture thing too and my pics are too big. I need to figure out how to resize those.

I will be at home tonight playing around with this stuff as hubby is playing poker and the kids will be hitting the bed early! YAY a whole evening on the internet...whoa does that make me boring?? lol

Anyone care to point me in the right direction??

Green Day Rocked!

I have forgotten how much I love the sound of a good guitar rife and a hot guy pounding on drums! It is amazing what 8 years of attending Barney and Wiggles shows can do to that side of your brain.

Green Day was awesome. My husband did attend the show with me and our night started off a bit rocky. But as the music of Chemical Romance started and the beer flowed so did more happy thoughts!!

I liked Chemical Romance but their music is not something I would listen to on a daily basis. However, they did put on a good show and the crowd seemed to love them.

Billy Joe Armstrong is an amazing Rock Star! Yes I said Rock Star...after this album and tour this guy is in my top ten. It was almost a full 2 hour show and the dude did not stop bouncing around the stage and drawing the crowd in.

The band brought kids up on the stage to perform on their instruments. Billy Joe mainly picked teenagers for this experience. The kid that played the guitar was really good and got that oh so sought after kiss from Billy Joe! The crowd was going wild. They brought up a 19 year old girl who played the bass and I must say I was impressed. The boy that played the drums was also rocking. It was amazing to see these teenagers get up on stage and be able to play right along while Billy Joe was singing. At the end of that set Billy Joe gave the guitar to the kid that was playing it! I am sure it was an outstanding experience for those teenagers.

The show ended with one of my favorite songs "Good Riddance". Hubby and I agreed that this was one of the best concerts that we have been too in quite a while. Not only does Green Day rock they are great, honest performers. I loved all the crowd interaction. It is hard to believe that I have been following this band since I was fresh out of college. The music never seems old even if I feel it!! lol

"Its something unpredictable but in the end its right, I hope you had the time of your life!"

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Was starting to be a good day!

I am actually meeting an internet friend for the first time for lunch today! I am excited and nervous at the same time. It feels like a first date although it is with a female. I took really good care to pick out the right clothes, fix my hair and make up. A first good impression is always the best when meeting new people, even if I know loads of details about their life!

I am amazed at how many people I really enjoy talking to through LJ and SB and the great people that are coming into my life. But at the same time I feel like something important is leaving my life, hence the title of this entry, my day WAS starting off really well.

So I got really great tickets from my firm to Green Day, 2 months ago, for tonight. Hubby calls me to say that he is going to go ahead and play softball. Ok, we rarely get a sitter to go out, together, without kids, without family. Hubby proceeds to tell me that he will meet me there! I say to him, you want your wife to go to a Green Day concert, alone? Not that I cannot handle myself or anything but I am feeling a little unimportant in the scheme of things. He then tells me that I can take my friend Brenda, if I want. I am thinking what is this about! At this point I told him I think he needs to think about what he wants to do and call me later with a definite answer.

*sigh* another item that is added to the list of disappointing things happening between us.