Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Could I be more insecure? (in my best Chandler voice)

So we had practice for daughter's softball team last night. I am not sure what makes me so insecure about being the head coach but I get all nervous around these little girls with the parents watching. Ah that is the crux of the situation, the parents are watching. I have not had any problems with the parents and the girls are so sweet and are really excited about playing! So why am I insecure...what makes me feel like I am going to fail at one of my better talents...Playing softball? This, I need to ponder and get over!

I need to learn to take a compliment and let the insecurity go. My assistant coach is a wonderful lady who I will call Sue. She has two lovely little girls on the team. Sue is a school teacher and has never played sports before. But she is ready, willing and able to help with this softball team. You have to appreciate any parent that wants to devote their time to 10 active and talkative girls!! Sue gave me a great compliment last night. She said that I was a natural with these girls and I am very caring and sensitive to what each girl needs. I was stunned at first and a bit speechless unitl I realized that I needed to say thank you!

Sue's few comments about how I work with the girls really made me take a look at myself. My insecurity is at an all time high even though I had a good review at work last week, hubby is devoting more time to us and now I get a compliment about how well I am working with this softball team. I need to step away from me and concentrate on what will make others around me feel better or more comfortable with themselves. I need to get some perspective on what is making me feel alone and insecure when clearly there is no need to feel those things.

I love softball and want the experience for my daughter and the rest of the girls to be a good one. I need to check my insecurities at the gate and have fun!


Buggy said...

Taking compliments well is sometimes hard to do, but you'll get used to it.
Practice by giving them.
Keep shining, people will notice.
I love this entry, so insightful and honest.
Softball is about fun for the girls, and you know how to do that.
Don't worry who is watching, just do what you do!

jenbeauty said...

Thanks buggy! I appreciate you reading and commenting.

Buggy said...

I wasn't sure you were who you are the first couple times I saw your comments, so I didn't click on the Blog link.
As soon as I realized it was you I wanted to come here, and meet you better.
Sorry I didn't know it was you.
I've also been meaning to email you, but I'm lazy.
Love getting to know you better after all these years. I like that you share your thoughts more in the community we share.
I wanted to tell you I really like the outgoing, outspoken, Jen.

jenbeauty said...

WOW buggy!! Thanks so much, again!

Things have been crazy in my life the last 2 years. I am glad I came back to OT, lots of good people. Not sure if what I say matters, but I decided that if I have something to share I am going to.

Blogging/LJ helps to get things off my chest. Plus it brings being a DAW to a whole other level! lol

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