Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I am here to pimp a little Harry Potter community we developed on LJ. Kudos to cheeringcharm for coming up with the idea!


This community is about reading all the books prior to the release of the new Half Blood Prince, which is due in stores on Saturday, July 16, 2005. The reading marathon started on March 1, however, there is plenty of time to catch up or just join in on the dicussions. We will be reading Chapter 38 of Order of the Phoenix on July 10. There are moderators (yours truly is one) that post a summary of each chapter every day and then the members may post a comment regarding that chapter.

I am such a sucker for spoilers and the idea of dissecting each book holds such appeal for me! Imagine that a Survivor fan wanting to spoil something other than Survivor!!

I am enjoying the community and am reading the series to my daughter as we go. This has not left me much time to veer off to read other books but I am truly looking to expand my horizons.

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