Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lets talk about sex!

Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me and all the good things....

So chat away....opinions, thoughts, getting enough these days? Does your personal life swirl around the thought of sexual encounters or has marriage and young children done away with the intimate moments!

LOL I know odd topic for me but just want to see what can be stirred up in my little blog here!


Ben O. said...

Early and often, Baby . . . early and often.

Ben O.

Squiggle said...

In my mind, every hour on the hour ... In reality, I don't think it's physically possible for me to "get enough". Not without my knob falling off anyway, or my partner in crime getting friction burns.

HistoryDetective said...

No young children here! Woo hoo!

As for the rest, I am pleading the fifth!

jenbeauty said...

I see only the boys are posting!!

ben o.: morning sex is great, but only sometimes!

squiggle: LMAO friction burns

HD: no pleading the fifth, speak up man...or do I have to just over to your blog?? lol

Anonymous said...

you know me baby!!!!! CFB i know, i know :(

Scott said...

Not nearly as much as when I was single. Back then sex dominated my every waking moment, to the point of distraction in idle moments at work. I still think about it, and even though we have kids, we manage to sneak it in once in a while. That will dwindle as the kids get older and sleep lighter. Right now thunder doesn't wake them.

Beth said...

I had more sex as a teen, but it wasn't good sex. So, I gave up quantity for quality. Kids didn't ruin our sex lives at all. I mean, yeah, there's no swinging from the ceiling fan, but we never did that anyway. When we were younger and wanted a little more gusto, we just took it outside along with the baby monitor. {insert blush here}

jenbeauty said...

beth: no blushing aloud in here....lol

Beth said...

Good to know. Haha.

Lasann said...

A sex questionaire on my youngest's 19th birthday.

I find that I had way more sex in my 20's. For me it has always been the nervousness and anxiety of a "new" partner. Well that lifestyle would have led to disease so as I age I am trying to be happy with less (quantity) with more sparkle (quality).

I've always thought of myself as having a "man's" outlook on sex - new and exciting partners. Honestly I get bored with the same moves all the time.

But I'm determined to never be with anyone else but my Dbf!!

jenbeauty said...

I have found the older I have gotten the more I have learned to enjoy sex and all that goes with it.

Scott said...

Thanks Jen for the comment the other day. I probably could do a little better communicating how I feel, and I certainly didn't tell her what I wrote. I'll pull it out when I need a few extra points.

jenbeauty said...

Scott: LOL...you know what though...waiting to use it like that will mean so much less. If you tell her for no other reason that it was from the heart and the way you felt in that moment, it will mean the world to her. NOW go man....do it!

Big Ben said...

I have a lot of sex on weekends, not to much during the week.

Foxy said...

sex? what's that?

Scott said...

Awww, alright!

jenbeauty said...

Scott: LOL....good man!

Vani: I am feeling that way this week!

Big Ben: Thanks for visiting and giving your views!