Thursday, September 15, 2005

First Kiss

I was just a child when I had my first kiss and so innocent. Many of us were they same way, a chaste kiss to the cheek or quick peck on the lips is usually the way a first kiss occurs. In the life of Jen, not so.

In the fourth grade I lived in the main City School District here. I was blissfully innocent in regard to boys. Oh sure they chased us and we played Charlie's Angels, but we never went beyond "oh Billy Joe is soooo cute!" By the fourth grade most of us were starting to wear training bras and a few girls had the all out snap in the back bra. We knew our bodies were changing but did not go beyond giggling about little girl things. I was still into the Muppets and Kermit the Frog at that point in my life.

Then we moved. My father switched from the EPA to Rockwell International and my parents felt it was time we moved to the suburbs and into a bigger home. The transition was difficult for me and it did not help that my mom decided this was the time to cut my hair ala Dorothy Hamill. Starting fifth grade and the first two weeks of school were hard. Hard is such an understatement for a pubescent ten year old girl. I was behind academically and, it became obvious to me, socially as well. These kids seemed to be light years beyond my knowledge about everything, music, boys, homework. I was finally befriended by Sonia and other girls came around to me once they learned I played softball.

One afternoon, during free time, five of us girls were sitting on the carpeted bean bag "cool" area. I was tragically unhip and was only beginning to understand what "cool" was. I was still new to all that was around me and to these girl's social circle. I remember Lisa distinctly stating "lets talk about the bases!" I was excited and thought "finally, something I know about, softball and baseball."


mm said...

Hey! Where is the first kiss part? I wanted to hear it...

And then I'll tell you mine. :)

jenbeauty said...

I am evil this way mm! I have picked up this little writing style from several great writers linked over there --------------->

This will be a two parter as to be it all in one is too long! Plus I like to laugh at myself so this provides lots of opportunity!

Anonymous said...

You know that I will definitely be back. :)

Foxy said...

Yes, please continue..I was hooked! I love your stories and your writing style. :)

arkie said...

It is very evil of you to keep me hanging like this! *pouts*

Bill said...

Jen - I'm waiting too...

and for a kid who got sent home from kindergarten (in a Catholic school) for kissing with girls behind the door...

waiting on a kiss story is pretty tough!!

The Zombieslayer said...

I remember Lisa distinctly stating "lets talk about the bases!" I was excited and thought "finally, something I know about, softball and baseball."


Bravie said...

*pulls up chair and waits*

Anonymous said...

1st base - chasing
2nd base - throwing rocks
3rd base - punching the arm
home run - hive five after a great play in kickball

Am I right?

Now finish your story.

Breezy said...

Heh. wahhhhhhhhhh My DD's oobies are starting to grow. I'm a very nervous Mama right now.

Oh and where's the kiss? And 4th grade? Yeesh I lived in the boonies and had my first kiss in Kindergarten. *grin*

Trevor Record said...

Haha, aww! That's so adorable.

My first kiss was when I was like 3, my parents have a picture of it! I'm kissing some little girl, then they have a picture of us holding hands.

mr. schprock said...

Oh man, I remember my first kiss! I was in the 9th grade. I shook like a leaf and I could smell my girlfriend's Clearasil, which instantly became my favorite smell.

Beth said...

OK, that ending was way too cute! =)

Scott said...

Hi Jen. That was a nicely written piece. I can't wait to hear the end of it. Nice set up.

The Duke said...

For my first official and meaningful first kiss, I was acutually so nervous afterwards I totally threw up. Luckily she wasn't around still!

Glowie said...

And just how long are we supposed to wait for part 2? *waits in story circle*

Anonymous said...

Geez, you think you were behind, my first kiss was at 22. I was a very late bloomer.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work
» » »

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