Monday, August 22, 2005

Ouch Ouch Ouch

I threw out my back over the weekend! I am home from work today as I can hardly walk. I was in bed all day yesterday and even cried when I got stuck in the kitchen. I will resume my normal blogging routine once I feel better. I have tried to read a few this morning but it hurts too much to sit here.

And no jokes about how exactly I threw out my back since this was our "couple" weekend!


Bravie said...

Heh. Well I hope throwing it out was worth it.

I feel for you. We spent many hours this weekend pulling carpet staples out of the floorboards and as a result are both having back problems today.

*smooch* hope you feel better soon.

HistoryDetective said...

I didn't laugh until the end --- but you asked for it! I hope that you are feeling better soon.

Jason said...

Virtually kissing it better...

Mike Todd said...

No jokes about that? Oh, okay. Never mind then.

Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. And, get some rest. Talk to you later.

Jim said...

Backs can suck sometimes (except for the ink-augmented variety, of course.)

For some humor, I was watching Leno and the guy from 'The 40 Year Old Virgin' was on. He actually had his chest hair waxed for the movie, and they used footage of it being done!! He said you would see blood coming to the surface and everything. So now I must say, I feel for ya in regards to your post long ago about the Sistas betraying you.)

Scott said...

You never really appreciate your body until it doesn't work anymore, huh? I have a perpetual neck problem and sometimes can't turn my head, when suddenly I realize how often I use that motion. I hope you feel better, but dang, it must have been some fun!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear the bad news, Jen. I threw my back out last May... although it sounds like you at least had a good time doing it(!)

Get well soon! (And get LOTS of rest.)

~ EmRb

Anonymous said...

Threw out your back, eh?

Gosh, you're old.


Ben O. said...

Why do they call it "Throwing out" your back? Makes it sound like you are getting rid of some old dishwater.

Funny stuff - Ben O.

Beth said...

No jokes. *tapping fingers* Hmm, that's a tough one.

Seriously, I've done that and it sucks. I keep Icy Hot right by my bed. It helps!

MJ said...

Back pain is worse than just about anything!!!!! Have you seen a chiropractor? I'm a chiropractor convert, personally......