Thursday, August 04, 2005


Another mouse family outing, this time camping.

Camping with my mother is like going on a spiritual trek through the Himalayas in search of divine understanding. Well at least in my mother's eyes. My mother loves to camp, spends half the year searching the internet for the perfect campgrounds and knows every detail of each place before hubby or I can blink an eye. Granted, my mom does pick the best spots and has a canny knack of knowing that if she does not, I will bitch and moan. Yes I am a bit whiney about the whole camping thing because it does not bring me any divine notions. Plus I get dirty.

Did I mention that we camp in tents and up until two years ago we cooked only on the fire. I forced my mom to purchase a two burner hot plate. Yet the only time she will actually use that hot plate is to make the eggs, and sometimes she will just do that on the fire too. It could be 120 degrees out and my mother would build a fire to make lunch! Oh, I am bitching and moaning again, sorry for the interruption.

Back to divine understanding. My children were thrilled about camping with Granny. That is all little prince could talk about. He would count down on his fingers how many days until he got to sleep in a tent with his Granny. Little Princess felt the same way and for a girlie girl, loves to camp in a tent, eat s'mores and play in the dirt and mud. Actually, I did find a little spiritual place of my own. Watching my children help my mom with everything around the campgrounds. Watching my mom's face when I told her that she did good and found the perfect place. Seeing my mom smile when the kids jumped out of the van and screamed "GRANNY". That is why I camp every year. That is why, every year, my bitching and moaning decrease a little bit. Someday, we won't have the camping trips with Granny. But I will have been more spiritually enlightened because of my mom's trek to find the love that comes with camping with her family.


Jen said...

I would like a s'more, please. :)

momma said...

Sounds like fun to me!

jenbeauty said...

It was fun momma. My kids enjoyed it so much and my mom is thrilled to do it for them.

We also went kayaking down the Mohican River and had a ball. We had those huge squirt guns and would shoot water at other kayakers and canoes...they kids thought that was the best.

The most fun for me is at night when all the stars are out and sitting around the fire making s'mores.

Scott said...

I need to take my kids camping. It's been a long time. I'm glad you found the positive in it.

Glowie said...

I love camping! How wonderful that your kids get to go with their grandmother.

Joel said...

I only camp in my pop-up...with AC! When we camp with all our friends we compete to see who can come up with the best grub and then put it all together. Good Times! thanks for stopping by my blog!

Bravie said...

I miss camping. GF won't go camping unless there is room service. Maybe I can come with you next year?

jenbeauty said...

Hi Scotty...thanks for coming by!!

Carey: you would love my mom! You are more than welcome to come camping with us. Actually, I think we are going to LA next summer. Any chance I could drive up to SF and see you guys?

MJ said...

That sounds amazing!!! I can't wait to have kids whom I can take camping :-)