Friday, September 30, 2005

KISS, The Rock Group

David H. loved KISS, was a huge fan, carried drum sticks around with him everywhere. David and his best friend, Craig, would wear their faces painted once a month fashioned after Gene Simmons and Peter Criss. The girls loved those two boys and they were always a topic during the "cool" circle group time.

That same Spring that Sonia had decided on her mission she told me that David H. liked me. My hair was finally growing out of the Dorothy Hamil and I was catching up as to what music was hip. KISS was high on the list of most favorite bands thanks to "Beth I hear you calling". Craig and David wanted us to meet them after school one day so David could ask me to "go with him." Once again innocent Jen was in shock. "But Sonia I ride the Bus home and my mom calls at 3:30 to make sure I made it." "So what" was Sonia's response, "everyone thinks David is cute and he likes YOU!" Peer pressure is a mighty force mixed with the excitement of a cute boy saying he likes you. I was totally intoxicated and let my friend talk me into meeting with David. Sonia and I developed a plan whereby we would convince our mothers that I would go home with Sonia after school on Friday, go skating and spend the night at her house. That would leave us free to meet the boys after school, on the play ground, inside the big tractor tires.

I was incredibly nervous, enough to puke up lunch if I had eaten lunch that day. I don't think I said two words to anyone, but it seemed that our entire class knew we were meeting the boys after school and they were trying to get me to talk about it.

David likend himself after Peter Criss, however, he was more like Gene Simmons and I was about to find out how so in that tire. Being one of the original lachkey kids, I had my house key around my neck. So when stepping into the tire it swung down as we all had to hunch over. This was the closest I had ever been to a boy other than my Dad and I was about to pass out. David told me how cute I was and asked me "will you go with me?" All I could do was smile and said shyly YES. I knew it was coming but no one could have prepared me for what happened next.


Scott said...

Jen - Again I have to say, you tease. This story is so cute. I was really transported when you said, "inside the tractor tires." It reminded me of how inventive we were when we were young. I don't think you intended it, but the trick with his tongue has more than one meaning. Maybe it's just my dirty mind. I don't mind if you delete this comment by the way!

jenbeauty said...

*giggles* I just don't know how to get it all to fit nicely together. I just start the story and see where it flows. I thought this was a good evil ending for the weekend.

I have not even got to the tricks yet, but I knew you, ahem boys, would pick up on it pretty quickly. No way am I deleting your comment! lol

Foxy said...

Is Peter Criss the leader? LOL I forgot...sounds like the type of boy I would go with too..hehe

That dude Paul said...

ahhh man. You stopped just like a tv show does, right before something cool happens.

PS. Vani, Gene Simmons(Demon) and Paul Stanley(Star child)are the "leaders" of KISS. They are the only original guys left. Peter Criss (Catman) was the original drummer.

Anonymous said...

You are the best at this leaving-em-hanging thing! Talk to you later. :)

Bill said...

"Two fisted to the very end"

With the Gene Simmons foreshadowing, you've got us all anxious to hear what happened next... If 'Soap Operas' have taught us nothing else, they've shown that if "ya leave them hanging, they will come back"..

And very nicely done I might add!!

That dude Paul said...

Yep, ditto Bill...

The Zombieslayer said...

My hair was finally growing out of the Dorothy Hamil.

Heh. I haven't heard that name in years. This is a cute story. I'll have to do a roller skating post, but then that would definitely date me. ;)

Foxy said...

thanks paul- rock star wanna be!!

Joe said...

David likend himself after Peter Criss, however, he was more like Gene Simmons and I was about to find out how so in that tire"

Great line, Jen.

Erik Holtan said...

Did he breath fire and spit blood on you, cause you said he was more like Gene!
I think he might have had his tongue down your throat!
I'll wait and find out!

The Duke said...

Oooo! Ends with suspense! Nice! Now I am all wondering what is gonna happen! Ha ha ha!

Beth said...

You can imagine how much I liked Kiss due to my name actually being Beth. =)

You and Scott drive me nuts with the cliffhangers. If I could cyber-kick you, I would! Haha.

jenbeauty said...

The end is coming soon...cackles evil Jen! I don't think I do these cliff hanger types any more...but then again.

This is the 5th grade Master I just turned 11. I know it sounds all so racey and that is kinda my point about being young and innocent and how your friends tend to stir you into different directions.

But my story also shows how honest and up front I was with my parents and in turn them with me. I did not hide too much from them until High School. Even then it was very few things but that was based upon my relationship with my mom.

Ben O. said...

Listening to "Firehouse" as I type this -

no need to explain a love for KISS.

They rock - Ben O.

Sadie Lou said...

Just tuned in jen. If this guy had a long tongue---ew!
I was unfortunate to be kissed by a guy with a long tongue, it was so unpleasent I almost was afraid to be french kissed again.
